Blackler Smith & CO clients – Albert Bossward

As a child, Albert Bossward says he was always “taking anything apart and putting it back together again”. Albert recalls one occasion dismantling his father’s car, only for it to not quite work the same way once ‘refitted’! Years on Albert now operates a business consulting to the railway industry, plus a technical division that we feature here.

Albert is a skilled engineer with a workshop and design studio based out of Khandallah. Albert invents, designs and manufactures bespoke items of quality in metal, wood, plastic, precision-machined componentry and furniture, to name but a few.

Albert is the person to see when others can’t conceptualise a solution or just say it’s impossible. A visit to Albert’s workshop could keep you fascinated for hours, with an impressive array of fine machinery and tooling equipment.

Our own Ben Blackler (the late) asked Albert to design and customise a mounting frame for a vintage Swiss railway clock (pictured). Ben is extremely happy with the result.

Albert Bosswar
Director of Vehicle and Prototype Developments Limited